
Sensing Layer for Ni Detection in Water Created by Immobilization of Bioengineered Flagellar Nanotubes on Gold Surfaces

2021-01-26T16:05:45+02:00January 26th, 2021|

Zoltán Lábadi, Benjamin Kalas, András Saftics, Levente Illés, Hajnalka Jankovics, Éva Bereczk-Tompa, Anett Sebestyen, Eva Toth, Balázs Kakasi, Carmen Moldovan, Bogdan Firtat, Mariuca Gartner, Marin Gheorghe, Ferenc Vonderviszt, Miklós Fried, Péter Petrik ACS BIOMATERIALS-SCIENCE & ENGINEERING 2373-9878 2020 View on: MTMT: 31398615 | DOI: 10.1021/acsbiomaterials.0c00280 | WoS: 000551355300009 | REAL: 111996 | Scopus: 85090326817 | Google scholar: 4558544276305253899 | Google scholar hash: C5YQ-t0zQz8J

Hydrothermal Synthesis and Gas Sensing of Monoclinic MoO3 Nanosheets

2021-01-26T16:05:44+02:00January 26th, 2021|

Teodóra Nagyné Kovács, Levente Studnicka, István Endre Lukács, Krisztina Nagyné László, Pawel Pasierb, Imre Miklós Szilágyi, György Pokol NANOMATERIALS 2079-4991 2079-4991 2020 View on: MTMT: 31333258 | DOI: 10.3390/nano10050891 | WoS: 000540781800074 | REAL: 112789 | Scopus: 85084353631 | Egyéb URL: | Google scholar: 7468322626054534715

Optimization of co-sputtered CrxAl1−xN thin films for piezoelectric MEMS devices

2021-01-26T16:05:41+02:00January 26th, 2021|

Saeedeh Soleimani, Benjamin Kalas, Zsolt Endre Horváth, Zsolt Zolnai, Zsolt Czigány, Attila Németh, Péter Petrik, János Volk JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE: MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS 0957-4522 1573-482X 2020 View on: MTMT: 31308883 | DOI: 10.1007/s10854-020-03260-7 | REAL: 108669 | WoS: 000529837900002 | Scopus: 85083968123 | Google scholar hash: PpjNrZw4BIcJ

Nitrogen doped carbon aerogel composites with TiO 2 and ZnO prepared by atomic layer deposition

2021-01-26T16:05:40+02:00January 26th, 2021|

László Péter Bakos, Joshua Mensah, Krisztina Nagyné László, Bence Parditka, Zoltán Erdélyi, Edit Székely, István Endre Lukács, Zoltán Kónya, Csaba Cserháti, Chen Zhou, Jin Won Seo, Gyula Halasi, Imre Miklós Szilágyi JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C 2050-7526 2050-7534 2020 View on: MTMT: 31301010 | DOI: 10.1039/c9tc05953a | WoS: 000538108200028 | REAL: 112793 | Scopus: 85085610642 | Egyéb URL: | Google scholar: 12568773504792591670 | SZTE Publicatio: 20248

Tracing fcc iron in oxide dispersion strengthened steel by photoelectron emission, Mössbauer spectroscopy, and X-ray diffraction

2021-01-26T16:05:39+02:00January 26th, 2021|

Gábor Pető, István Dézsi, László Kiss, Zsolt Endre Horváth, Dániel Oszetzky, Attila Tibor Nagy, György Molnár, Csaba Sándor Daróczi, Krisztina Frey, Ákos Horváth VACUUM 0042-207X 1879-2715 2020 View on: MTMT: 31189354 | DOI: 10.1016/j.vacuum.2020.109270 | WoS: 000524971800043 | REAL: 111644 | Scopus: 85079628780 | Egyéb URL: | Google scholar: 7337839897055192451

Nanosecond resistive switching in Ag/AgI/PtIr nanojunctions

2021-01-26T16:05:38+02:00January 26th, 2021|

Botond Sánta, Dániel Molnár, P Haiber, A Gubicza, Edit Szilágyi, Zsolt Zolnai, András Ernő Halbritter, Miklós Csontos BEILSTEIN JOURNAL OF NANOTECHNOLOGY 2190-4286 2020 View on: MTMT: 31043925 | DOI: 10.3762/bjnano.11.9 | WoS: 000506820500001 | REAL: 105787 | Scopus: 85082656024 | PubMed: 31976200 | Google scholar: 1490673407393113795

Effect of pH in the hydrothermal preparation of monoclinic tungsten oxide

2021-01-26T16:05:37+02:00January 26th, 2021|

Teodóra Nagyné Kovács, István Endre Lukács, Anna Szabó, Klára Hernádi, T. Igricz, Krisztina Nagyné László, Imre Miklós Szilágyi, G. Pokol JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY 0022-4596 1095-726X 2020 View on: MTMT: 31042183 | DOI: 10.1016/j.jssc.2019.121044 | WoS: 000504950900007 | REAL: 105777 | Scopus: 85074365870 | Google scholar: 16148604173342205644 | SZTE Publicatio: 18405

Utilization of hydrophobic ligands for water-insoluble Fe(II) water oxidation catalysts – Immobilization and characterization

2021-01-26T16:05:36+02:00January 26th, 2021|

S.M. Al-Zuraiji, Timea Benkó, Levente Illés, Miklós László Németh, Krisztina Frey, Attila Sulyok, József Sándor Pap JOURNAL OF CATALYSIS 0021-9517 1090-2694 2020 View on: MTMT: 31038623 | DOI: 10.1016/j.jcat.2019.12.003 | REAL: 105173 | WoS: 000525488500063 | Scopus: 85076696939 | Google scholar: 16288457675413708897

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