
Millimeter wave detection by thermopile antenna

2021-01-26T16:02:35+02:00January 26th, 2021|

Béla Szentpáli, Péter Basa, Péter Fürjes, Gábor Battistig, István Bársony, Gergely Károlyi, Tibor Berceli PROCEDIA ENGINEERING 1877-7058 2010 View on: MTMT: 1443622 | DOI: 10.1016/j.proeng.2010.09.172 | WoS: 000287162400140 | Scopus: 78650602814 | Google scholar: 2251846693947704837 | Google scholar hash: BQZkKaMqQB8J

SiC epitaxial growth on Si(100) substrates using carbon tetrabromide

2021-01-26T16:02:34+02:00January 26th, 2021|

G Attolini, M Bosi, F Rossi, B E Watts, G Salviati, Gábor Battistig, László Dobos, Béla Pécz MATERIALS SCIENCE FORUM 0255-5476 1662-9752 2010 View on: MTMT: 1443570 | DOI: 10.4028/ | WoS: 000279657600032 | Scopus: 77955433771 | Google scholar: 9772475851840485246

Characterisation of slab waveguides, fabricated in CaF2 and Er-doped tungsten-tellurite glass by MeV energy N+ ion implantation, using spectroscopic ellipsometry and m-line spectroscopy

2021-01-26T16:02:33+02:00January 26th, 2021|

István Bányász, S Berneschi, Tivadar Lohner, Miklós Fried, Péter Petrik, Khánh Nguyen Quoc, Zsolt Zolnai, Andrea Watterich, M Bettinelli, M Brenci, G Nunzi-Conti, S Pelli, GC Righini, A Speghini PROCEEDINGS OF SPIE - THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING 0277-786X 1996-756X 2010 View on: MTMT: 1441895 | DOI: 10.1117/12.854624 | WoS: 000285297700011 | Scopus: 77954732495

Nanoszerkezetű hidroxiapatit-biopolimer kompozitok előállítása és vizsgálata

2021-01-26T16:02:31+02:00January 26th, 2021|

M Tóth, Gréta Katalin Gergely, Ferenc Wéber, István Endre Lukács, Attila Lajos Tóth, Zsolt Endre Horváth, Csaba Balázsi ANYAGVIZSGÁLÓK LAPJA 1215-8410 1787-5072 2010 View on: MTMT: 1417415 | Teljes dokumentum: | Egyéb URL:

CBr4 as precursor for VPE growth of cubic silicon carbide

2021-01-26T16:02:27+02:00January 26th, 2021|

BE Watts, M Bosi, G Attolini, Gábor Battistig, László Dobos, Béla Pécz CRYSTAL RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY 0232-1300 1521-4079 2010 View on: MTMT: 1412291 | DOI: 10.1002/crat.200900590 | WoS: 000278598500002 | Scopus: 77953930653 | Google scholar: 15051413034977234730

Nano-hydroxyapatite preparation from biogenic raw materials

2021-01-26T16:02:26+02:00January 26th, 2021|

Gréta Katalin Gergely, Ferenc Wéber, István Endre Lukács, Levente Illés, Attila Lajos Tóth, Zsolt Endre Horváth, Judith Mihály, Csaba Balázsi CENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY 1895-1066 1644-3624 2010 View on: MTMT: 1409380 | DOI: 10.2478/s11532-010-0004-4 | WoS: 000276548300019 | Scopus: 77951825333 | Google scholar: 10451707321030974004

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