Munkahelyi vita – Radó János
Március 12-én 10 órakor tartjuk Radó János ÓE Anyagtudományok és Technológiák Doktori Iskola doktorjelöltjének "Mikro- és nanoerőmérő szerkezetek" című dolgozatának munkahelyi vitáját a KFKI telephely 26-os épületének tanácstermében. Disszertáció Tézisfüzet Minden érdeklődőt szeretettel várunk!
Institute’s Junior Prize of Zsófia Baji
Zsófia Baji has been awarded the Institute's Junior Researcher Prize on January 28, 2020. Congratulations!
Lucky Kenda Peter’s Thesis Defense
Lucky Kenda Peter successfully defended his MSc thesis at BME Physics Department on January 22, 2020. Congratulations!
Miklós Szappanos’ Thesis Defense
On January 17, 2020, Miklós Szappanos defended his MSc thesis at BME VIK with a Final Grade of Excellent. Congratulations!
Year-end dinner
We had a year-end dinner with some of our group members and guests on December 10, 2019.
Saeedeh Soleimani Conference Visit and Poster Pize
Saeedeh Soleimani presented a poster on Reactive Sputtering Deposition Conference (Dec. 5-6, 2019) in Braunschweig, Germany and won the best poster award. Congratulations!
Miklós Szappanos Conference Visit
Miklós Szappanos attended the PowerMEMS 2019 Conference in Krakow, Poland, on December 2-6, 2019. He had a Poster presentation with demonstration (Self-Powered Vibration Analyser).
Awarding ceremony at the University of Óbuda
János Bozorádi won the 1st prize on Scientific Students’ Associations with his work titled ‘Improvement of measurement techniques for vibrational energy harvesters’. János Radó received prize for his UNKP scholarship report.Congratulations to both colleagues!
Lab visit of World Materials Research Institutes Forum leadership
As part of the 8th World Materials Research Institutes Forum Symposium and General Assembly on June 20, 2019, we invited the participants to a Lab visit.
8th World Materials Research Institutes Forum General Assembly
The 8th World Materials Research Institutes Forum General Assembly at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Visit at the Japanese Embassy
June 18, 2019: Visiting the Japanese Ambassador in Hungary, Kuni Sato.
8th World Materials Research Institutes Forum Symposium
The 8th World Materials Research Institutes Forum Symposium were held on June 17-18, 2019, at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences by our team. The selected topics were: Advanced Materials for Renewable Energy Production Advanced Materials for Traditional Power Production Advanced Materials for Energy Harvesting Materials for Quantum Computing
Exhibiting at the Electrosub fair, Budapest
Apr. 3-5, 2019: Exhibiting at the Electrosub fair, Budapest
János Volk’s invited talk on the MANA International Symposium
March 6, 2019: János Volk gives an invited talk (Polar semiconductor based nanomechanical sensors) on the MANA International Symposium in Tsukuba, Japan